Read the rest of the series: December 1 | December 2 | December 3 | December 4 | December 6 | December 7 | December 8 | December 9 | December 10 | December 11 | December 12 | December 13 | December 14 | December 15 | December 16 | December 19 | December 25
The angel told Mary beforehand concerning Elizabeth being with child that this would be a sign given to her: “And he will be filled with the Holy Spirit while still in his mother’s womb.” “And it happened when Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting.” The baby leaped in Elizabeth’s womb and was filled with the Holy Ghost. Then Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Ghost, began to bless Mary and acknowledge the child she was carrying was her Lord. Where the Spirit is the Lordship of Jesus is confessed.
For Mary, this was a confirmation of the word given to her by the angel. Two women, one advanced in age, the other a 14-year-old girl. Both finding themselves in supernatural, impossible places in which God, and only Him, could do. One going to give birth to the prophet who was going to prepare the way for the Kingdom of God. The latter giving birth to the only begotten Son of God. Just months before being faithful and going about their everyday life.
This declared blessing, given by Elizabeth to Mary, “Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.”
How wonderful to have these divine appointments where we find brothers and sisters who find themselves called and chosen to bring forth the will of God together. This is real unity that binds us together in fellowship and love. To have relationships where, when you come together, He is in your midst and you are built up in the Holy Ghost.
This is not social but has an eternal destiny together and you know He is absolutely in your midst. Just as with Mary and Elizabeth, their coming together caused such blessing and fulfillment of the word of the Lord that was spoken. May in this season these kinds of relationships, divinely ordered by God, be yours.
Glory to God in the Highest!
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