Read the rest of the series: December 1 | December 2 | December 4 | December 5 | December 6 | December 7 | December 8 | December 9 | December 10 | December 11 | December 12 | December 13 | December 14 | December 15 | December 16 | December 19 | December 25
Here we see Mary, as she endeavors to comprehend and wrap her mind around the Angel’s word to her. The impossibility of such a supernatural and unbelievable thing happening. So many questions must have assaulted her thinking. What would people think? Who would believe an angel appeared to me? Why would God choose me? What will my family say?
This is impossible. Yet she did not voice any one of these doubts and fears. Her response was one of the most powerful and clear answers in recorded scripture: “Behold the Lord’s servant, be it unto me according to Your word.”
When God called them, many of God’s servants gave Him excuses why they could not say yes to Him. They saw their limitations and failures and too great of a task.
Mary shows us what our mindset should be when the Lord speaks to our hearts. Her confession, “I am Your servant, I am here for You no matter what You ask of me, I am yours. Be it unto me according to Your word.” She simply received and let the word of God have its perfect work.
For every believer, our place is to simply be a receiver—”Receive ye the Holy Ghost,” Peter declared.
When I think of Mary, I cannot help but hear Jesus teaching us about our hearts being like soil. To the degree we receive the seed is to the degree it yields its intent. Some 30, some 60, some 100. Her response as His servant was, “Be it unto me according to Your word.”
May we become receivers of all He has for us in His promise of His good work He has begun and will finish according to His word.
Glory to God in the Highest!
-Keith Curlee
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