Before the foundation of this world, we were chosen that we should be holy and blameless, living before Him in our love for Him. Being predestined, adopted, and placed into His Beloved through Jesus Christ, according to the pleasure of His Will. His choosing is what keeps us and determines who we are according to His plan and purpose. Self-determination is rebellion and cannot bring acceptance. This is in the heart of all men and women, who are created in God’s image.
The importance of the beginning of all things is an essential spiritual truth, as Jesus refers to in this passage. The authorship, the origin, is the true source of defining a thing. Jesus not only is referring to what is written, but He is also confirming His witness of the beginning of creation. John writes of Him: in the beginning was the word, and the word was God, and the word was with God. He is speaking as the authority on this truth.
The unholy spirits being released in these days, that are determined to make what are absolutes into variables, are confronting all believers. The demonic spirit of transgenderism that is being promoted, primarily in our country, championed by the liberal agenda, is addressed by Jesus, defending the Holy absolute of marriage.
In these two passages, He refers the religious, so-called believers of His day, to the beginning — before the fall of man. First, it was not so, or it was not this way in the beginning. Second, He distinguishes them by making them male and female. Creating a man first then a woman, because it was not good for man to be alone. Third, He instituted the holy relationship of marriage, which is one man for one woman, becoming one, a unity designed for life. Fourth, a warning given by Jesus, “What God has joined together let no man separate.”
To say the least, the spirit that has been loosed since the 60s, the big bang theory and creation is not as Jesus said, “it is written,” but has led us to this time of self-determination. It is believing the lie, spoken by the Father of lies, Satan: You too can be as gods.
The same Pharisees that came to Jesus in the above verse, He addresses at another time:
For any believer, group, or church to, in any way, give any credence to this lie, is a denial of, as Jesus said, “It was not so at the beginning.” They have been deceived. For not only from the beginning, but we were in His mind before the foundation of the world. Halleujah!