The Consequences of Roe vs Wade: 63,459,781. Running total of abortions since 1973.
Since Roe vs Wade was made into law, these numbers cannot be denied nor refuted.
Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2017, with 3% added for GI estimated possible 3-5% undercount for 1973-2014. Another 12,000 per year added for 2015-2021 for abortions from “providers” GI says it may have missed in 2015-2017 counts.
The consequences of Roe v. Wade can no longer be continued without our nation falling short of the grace of God. One of our nation’s anthems sung at many events is, “America the Beautiful.” The second verse goes like this:
“America! America! God shed His grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.”
The reversal of Roe versus Wade may have kept the crown of brotherhood from being taken away and our nation becoming irrelevant in the most prophetic and historic times ever. For we as believers know one of our rewards to receive from Jesus is a crown of life.
I would contend that our choice of life is clearly before us. One of the first choices God gave Israel was:
The choosing of death in 1973, Roe vs Wade, has brought about the rejection of God’s blessing and the grace of God not continuing to be shed on us as a nation. 63,000,000 plus children being annihilated has seared the conscience of this nation. This abomination has been veiled by making it a political debate, a civil rights issue, and a redefining of abortion as reproductive rights.
As believers, we constantly pray and ask for God’s blessing in our lives. To think that God’s judgment on a nation is not going to affect its people as a whole is the height of naivety and deception. God will always take care of His own, and He is faithful and good. But, as with Israel, when they went into captivity as a nation, Daniel, Shadrack, Meshack, and Abedigo also went and even faced death.
For me, I choose life and I will demonstrate it unashamedly by my vote, my choice, for my soul knows it well.
The rejection of children is a rejection of God’s blessings and the choosing of the curse—for any nation. To think that the evolution of abortion has come to invading the security of a woman’s womb, in the last trimester much less in the first, is unconscionable and godless. May God’s grace and mercy—the crown of brotherhood bestowed on this nation—be lifted from our heads as a people.
In closing, this is where the division of this nation began, not these last few years. This was the beginning of the tearing apart of the fabric of our nation, and our downfall.
Blessings. – Keith Curlee
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