“The Lord is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, And He knows those who take refuge (trust) in Him.”
Nahum 1:7 NASB2020
We are to trust in the Lord with all our hearts as the scripture says. In this passage, David gives us the truth and why we should. He says, “The Lord is good.” We have heard many times in songs, messages, and from believers, “God is good.” Yet when we face things that we see as trouble, we doubt and question. He goes on to say He is our stronghold in the day of trouble.
STRONG-HOLD, n. [strong and hold.] A fastness; a fort; a fortified place; a place of security.
Webster’s 1828
We are His children protected and surrounded by Him as in a fort. A stronghold is a place of refuge. In another place it says that the righteous run into the name of the Lord, a strong and mighty tower. In the time of the settlements of the wild west, settlers lived outside of a fort and when trouble came they loaded up the wagon and took refuge in the fort. When we encounter trouble, we run to Him and take refuge in Him. We keep putting our trust in Him and Him alone, knowing we are secure.
We can say we trust in the Lord with our mouths, but at the sign of any trouble do we take refuge in Him? Do we trust Him that He is providing us safety? He knows who trusts in Him by how we respond. We think of Him as all-knowing, but when it comes to trouble, doubts creep in and we do not always take refuge in Him immediately.
He knows if we say, “I trust you Lord, You are in control,” if our heart is all in trusting Him.
Trust Him with all your heart, all your mind, all your might, and strength…with everything in us.
Keep trusting Him. He that keeps us neither slumbers or sleeps. He is willing and able. Hallelujah!
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