“Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.””
Genesis 2:18 NASB2020
When God created the heavens and the earth and all that it contained, He pronounced it as good. Not just a Paradise, but filled with His goodness. But during the process, He saw in man one thing that was not good. It was not good for man to be alone.
God, who is good, went to work to resolve this flaw, this loneliness in man. His very words: it is not good for man to be alone. There is not a more helpless and hopeless feeling than to be alone. So, the remedy was to make a helper suitable for him. Exactly what he needed: help. The Scripture says, “suitable, fitting; according with; agreeable to; proper;” Just right for him, a helper.
It has been my experience when loneliness is in a person, it is the result of not receiving help or the difficulty of asking for help.
Since last Friday, I have been waking up and seeing Betsy lying beside me and the Holy Ghost flooding me with memories of His help in our lives. For men it is difficult to ask for help; for many reasons, but especially to ask or receive help from his wife. This is a good place to confess: there are very vivid memories where I missed God. Primarily because I did not receive Betsy as my helper. I have come to see that she is a type of Holy Ghost given to me. She is my helper and is called to be positioned alongside of me. He is our helper and comes along side of us also.
When God took away something that He gave me, that was so precious to me, I became very angry. I had forgotten it belonged to Him. I had lost relationships, house, possessions, vehicles, position, and was bankrupt. We left our home and both of our parents in Houston. As we drove off with the children waving to them out the back window of the van sobbing, I remember the anger that was burning out of control in me.
In fact, Betsy was driving because I couldn’t.
As we drove out of the city limits and I continued to burn, I heard her say, “Keith, I have only one question.” I thought, here we go, here comes the other shoe dropping. I said, “And what is that?” Her response was, “We are not mad at God are we? Because if we are, who will help us?” If I have ever heard a word from God, it was in her voice. In that moment she saved our lives. She never asked why I put us in this place. She just wanted to know how we were going to get through and reminded me that God was the only one who could help us.
I am eternally grateful for His joining her to me. Thank you Jesus for your divine appointment in our meeting. She was made suitable for me. In these 50 years, she has never left my side nor forsaken me. She is and has been my help. For she is Your goodness and help in my life. Glory to God.
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