“Washed by the water of the word” is an expression from the Bible describing one of the truths that godly marriage is built on as well as our first relationship with our God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The important place, responsibility, and function of husbanding. It appears in Ephesians 5:26. It refers to the truth that God’s word cleanses people’s souls, thoughts, motives, and consciences.
When a husband neglects God’s word and expects his wife to submit, it makes it difficult to endure. Paul says this is a picture of how the Bridegroom and His Bride function. We know there is no neglect in our Bridegroom for His Bride concerning His washing and cleansing of her. The letters to the seven churches in Revelation confirm this.
Marriage is designed from the beginning, before the fall of Adam and Eve, and their relationship becoming dysfunctional. Blame and accusations come from one source: the serpent: Marriage cannot survive this demonic onslaught. The picture in Ephesians of a husband washing His wife speaks of beautiful intimacy in the marriage covenant.
This is the Bride He is coming for, who will rule and reign with Him.
The promise of the Holy Ghost and His sanctifying truth comes only by His leading us into all truth. Jesus said,
It is the two, each one’s own desires, their flesh, that is detrimental and of no benefit. They are in juxtaposition to becoming one. They need the Word, to do so.
• The word is linked to water baptism, (washing) which calls a believer’s death to sin and new life in Christ and His word.
• The word emphasizes the power and authority of God’s word to change our soulish minds. Renewing us and our lives.
• The early Church believed that the word of God was central to spiritual growth and maturity. It is living and active.
• The word brings spirit and truth, God’s word brings cleansing power, renewing people’s minds, character, attitude, and conduct. It feeds the spiritual man in all of us.
On Monday 1/13/2025, Betsy and I will celebrate 52 years of covenant. I am grateful to the Holy Ghost who was sent from heaven and led us together. He sealed us and has kept us and guided us all these years. Hearing His word to us and remembering our vows before Him has kept our covenant that cannot be broken. He is the messenger of the covenant,
It is He and only He who is able to keep covenant and two people, man and woman, husband and wife, God’s mystery, to walk together for a lifetime.
I thank you for Betsy, for finding her for me and I for her, according to Your unchanging will. I want to thank so many brothers and sisters over these 52 years who have been friends to our covenant, who prayed and stood with us and blessed us. So many to thank. Hallelujah!

-Keith Curlee
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