The name “Emmanuel” points to the prevalent biblical theme of God’s presence with His people. The idea of “God with us” is the embodiment of all of God’s promises to Israel and to all who will trust in Him. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost’s great love to be shared with created man and woman.
The Almighty God who has endured the continual sin and rebellion of man since the beginning continues to call him and make a way to be eternally united with Him.
In Genesis we see God coming down in the cool of evening to be with Adam and Eve. The scripture says they heard the sound of God walking in the garden to be with them. We can see by God’s response that this was their time of fellowship with one another and it never had been missed.
The next question gives us insight.
God calls out, “Adam where are you?” Of course, He knew where they were, but a deeper question was heard by them. They hid themselves, for they were exposed and ashamed. From that time on God sets out to redeem man and take back creation to live forever—We in them and them in us.
Jesus makes it very clear that He is not leaving them as orphans. He is leaving for a moment, but, “I will come to you.” There will be no separation, but He will ask the Father to give you another Helper and He will abide with you forever. He will abide, He will dwell not just with you but He will be in you, and will remain. Just in the beginning of this chapter, Jesus says the Father is in Me and I am in the Father. The Helper is promised by Jesus. He will be with us and in us, He will abide with us forever. Thus confirming the promise: I will never leave you nor forsake you, no never, and lo I will be with you always, even to the ends of the earth.
He, the Holy Ghost, like Jesus, is Emmanuel, God with us, forever. So we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, the sound from heaven, once again coming to earth to be with the new creation. Sons and daughters of God. Receive ye the Holy Ghost!
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