Psalms 23:5 NASB2020
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows.”

David, in this great passage, identifies his relationship as one of the Lord’s sheep. The Lord is his shepherd. Jesus, speaking in His time, identifies His followers as sheep. He says, “My sheep hear My voice, another they will not follow.” David, during his years as a shepherd, received this revelation of God, the Shepherd of His sheep.
This morning, pray and receive your Shepherd. Ask Jesus, the Good Shepherd, to anoint your head with oil. A Shepherd anointed the sheep with oil not once, but many times, to keep flies from constantly tormenting them as they followed. We think of the anointing for ministry only, but how effective can we be with tormented thinking? This is for our daily protection. This was to keep the flies from laying eggs in the sheep’s mouth, where they get small cuts from blades of grass.
Jesus called Satan Beelzebub, lord of the flies, tormenters. Flies would lay eggs in the cuts and maggots would hatch and bring infection. The anointing is what keeps the evil one’s lies from tormenting our soul (mind, will, and emotions), where our thinking and decisions take place. David says God anointed his head with oil, and his cup runneth over with the anointing of spiritual thoughts and truth. Our cup spills over from us into our lives with His anointing renewing our minds. Without this, the devil and his lies begin to attack our heads and make us vulnerable to the world around us. It spills over into our marriage, family, friends, brothers and sisters, and the world.
The continued anointing, and sanctification of spirit, soul, and body will keep our hearts and minds. In this time we need our heads anointed. Our Good Shepherd, Jesus, the lover of our souls, is faithful to do it as we follow Him. We are the sheep of His pasture and we hear His voice.
Hallelujah! -KC
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