We should all be encouraged and confident when we read in Scripture about all the victories that are recorded in the war for the people of God.
Moses and the Israelites witnessed the deliverance at the Red Sea from Pharaoh and the Egyptians. He sings, “I will sing unto the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously, the horse and rider thrown into the sea.”
David writes, so often as he ascended to the throne, concerning his enemies and their relentless desire to defeat him and seek his life.
Elijah and his victory at Mount Carmel against Jezebel and her false prophets.
For we as believers, the ultimate victory was won by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ over Satan and death:
…and the living One; and I was dead, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and Hades.
Revelation 1:18
Paul ends his letter to the Ephesians concerning our war as believers with a clear declaration:
We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against powers, against world forces of this darkness, the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:12
In Israel today, no one is exempt from serving in the IDF unless they are unable. Everyone is to serve and be ready to be called upon to fight. Paul exhorts Timothy, “to endure hardness (hardship) as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” Many messages on serving have been preached and taught concerning our service to our Lord, but I have not heard of our service to Him as a soldier. There is no exemption or choice in our place in spiritual warfare and our conscription into His army.
God’s word to Jeremiah tells him to belt himself and arise and declare all He commands Him to say. Do not be dismayed, (disheartened, lacking in courage), or He will make you dismayed before them.
Paul says, just as Jeremiah, stand and gird your waist with truth, belt yourself up. Once Jeremiah does what He was commanded, to wrap himself in truth and to be courageous, God tells him what He will do. For Jeremiah, He will make Him a fortified city, impenetrable. He promises that they will fight but they will not overcome him. For I am with you to save (deliver) you from the rulers in the nations and those who, through religious deception, have set themselves above God. They will not stand against the Lord of armies. Maranatha!
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