I received this wonderful Valentine Card from my beloved wife Betsy. Maybe the most impactful card I have ever received. Celebrating our golden anniversary this year; 50 years with this beautiful gift from God. When I opened this card, I was overwhelmed with the simple truth — God is love — and the greatness of love.
It was not surrounded with flowers, birds, bugs, butterflies, hearts, hugs, and kisses. All beautiful expressions, romantic, euphoric, and sweet. This card gives us the truth concerning, “the two shall become one.” This is truly a picture of what the Scripture speaks of when it speaks of love as labor.
The architectural design of our faith, Jesus Christ our bridegroom, is love. Paul, inspired by the Holy Ghost, writes, “Love builds up, love never fails, love believes all things, and without love, who and what is being built is nothing.” Jesus, when asked what is the greatest commandment, replied, “Love the Lord thy God with ALL your heart, ALL your strength, and ALL your might, and your neighbor (is there not anyone closer than our wives) as yourself.
Love is not just an emotion, as Tina Turner sang, but takes strength and might. It is necessary to labor, or work. Our covenant is a continual construction zone, the process of becoming one does not have a completion until death doth us part. In our vows, “I will and I do,” commit us to do the work. Jesus says, I will build my church (bride), it will be built to last, nothing will prevail against it.
Betsy’s Valentine message to me: love is built to last! Maybe a good wedding gift to give to a bride and groom would be two hard hats. Caution, you are entering a hard hat zone. God at work, labor of love.
All things work for good to them that love the Lord and are called according to His great purpose — work.
Thank you my beloved gift from God for your never failing labor love. I am yours and you are mine, everlasting in love. Hallelujah.
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