The first account I composed, Theophilus, about all that Jesus began to do and teach, until the day when He was taken up to heaven, after He had given orders by the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom He had chosen. To these He also presented Himself alive after His suffering, by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days and speaking of things regarding the kingdom of God. Gathering them together, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised, “Which,” He said, “you heard of from Me; for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.”
Acts 1:1-5 NASB2020
Luke begins to make an account to Theophilus as to what he has seen and heard in his time with Jesus. He tells us that Jesus continued to teach them on the kingdom of God as He moved about amongst them after His resurrection. Knowing that He soon would ascend to Heaven, He continued to reveal the things of the kingdom of God. He preached and taught on the kingdom of God from day one as He went about Israel, declaring to seek the kingdom of God first.
For Him, this is priority one, first of all, according to the Lord of all.
Nothing has changed concerning His message to them and those who shall follow. Now He commands them to go and wait for the promise of the Father, the baptism and pouring out of the Holy Ghost, which they had heard from Him before the cross. He will send another, the spirit of truth, the Holy Ghost. He will not leave them as orphans, abandon, or forsake them. Paul later writes,
Therefore do not let what is for you a good thing be spoken of as evil; for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For the one who serves Christ in this way is acceptable to God and approved by other people.”
Romans 14:16-18 NASB2020
Jesus is clear where the kingdom of God resides—it is in the Holy Ghost, and He shall be in you, and with you. It is not from below, not of the earth, not of the flesh, and cannot be inherited. He is to be received just as the Father and Son are. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!
We are admonished to not let the kingdom of God or the Holy Ghost to be spoken of as evil. Both cannot be seen by the world, but just as they hated Jesus they will hate His followers and will not cease to make war with His subjects. The kingdoms of this world will be conquered and become His: our King, Jesus.
What grieves me are theologians and denominations who, in their teaching, discount the Holy Ghost baptism. Peter declared, “Repent, be baptized, and receive ye the Holy Ghost.” He is not a second experience. He was not diminished in any way at the apostles’ passing for He is in us and is with us. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. No less God and coequal with the Father and Son—just different in function. God three-in-one, in absolute agreement. For righteousness, peace, and joy of the kingdom are in the Holy Ghost. For we have received a kingdom that cannot be shaken. Why? Because it is in the Holy Ghost.
These next 50 days from last Sunday until the feast of Pentecost I am asking Him to reveal and lead me into more truth concerning the Kingdom of God.
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